
ICG made significant contributions to supply chain assurance during the Shanghai pandemic
Release time:2022-04

    During the pandemic in Shanghai in 2022, ICG Shanghai Songjiang Yachen Cold Chain Park delivered about 65 million units of food and goods in total, provided about 500000 sets of guaranteed supply packages, and delivered about 22 thousand vehicles in total. We served more than 1.5 million families, making great contribution to the stable operation of food supply guarantee in Shanghai during the pandemic. The contribution was mentioned on CCTV News twice.

    As a government recognized cold chain comprehensive support base, the ICG Shanghai Songjiang Yachen Cold Chain Park continued to supply high-quality vegetables, fruits, meat, etc. to the entire Shanghai city during the 2022 Shanghai pandemic, solving the problem of  food and material shortage during the lockdown period. During the special period, ICG ensured that perishable food to be in the best storage status for food safety and waste reduction. winning this battle for food security due to the pandemic.